Once you’ve been up there you know you’ve been someplace

James Dean och Sal Mineo i Rebel Without A Cause


Sötaste bilden jag någonsin sett på Sal Mineo.

James Dean

Bakom scenerna i Giant

Natalie Wood

"Elvis was so square, we'd go . . . for hot fudge sundaes. He didn't drink, he didn't swear, he didn't even smoke. It was like having the date that I never had in high school." - Natalie Wood om Elvis Presley

Paul Newman

"Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?"

Sal Mineo

James Dean i East Of Eden


Charlie Chaplin på 20-talet

"The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury."

Audrey Hepburn

I never thought I'd land in pictures with a face like mine. - Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe

“I was never used to being happy, so that wasn’t something I ever took for granted. You see, I was brought up differently from the average American child because the average child is brought up expecting to be happy.I was a mistake. My mother didn’t want to have me.”

Perky Perkins

Anthony Perkins.

Pier Angeli & James Dean

Under inspelningen av East Of Eden, 1954.

Robert Taylor



James Dean i Rebel Without A Cause

Cat & dog

Ava Gardner

Julie Harris & James Dean

East of Eden, 1954.

Anthony Perkins och Audrey Hepburn

Green Mansions, 1959.

James Dean behin the scenes i Giant


A true lady

Darling, I don't wake up 'til the afternoon.


Jill Haworth och Sal Mineo i Exodus.

Paul Newman

I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter, either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being . . . by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant. - Paul Newman

Diamonds are a girls best friend

On the beach

Donna Anderson och Anthony Perkins i On The Beach, 1959.

Natalie Wood

Farmer boy

James Dean


Anthony Perkins i Psycho, 1960.

Prince charming

Sal Mineo

Tony Perkins


I put on an act sometimes, and people think I'm insensitive. Really, it's like a kind of armour because I'm too sensitive. If there are two hundred people in a room and one of them doesn't like me, I've got to get out. - Marlon Brando

Somebody up there likes me

Sal Mineo och Paul Newman i Somebody Up There Likes Me, 1956.

Rita Hayworth

"I think all women have a certain elegance about them which is destroyed when they take off their clothes."


A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night.
- Marilyn Monroe

James Dean's sista intervju

James Dean i en intervju om bilar. I slutet skulle han egentligen sagt "The life you save may be your own". Kort efter att han filmat klart Giant dog han i en bilolycka.

Hitler teori


“I have learned more about love, selflessness and human understanding in this great adventure in the world of AIDS than I ever did in the cut-throat, competitive world in which I spent my life.”-Anthony Perkins


Sal Mineo i Dino, 1957.

Handsome angel

James Dean

Sal Mineo

Boy, howdy!

Anthony Perkins

Ingrid Bergman

Too fast to live

James Dean

In the spotlight

Natalie Wood


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn i Korea från The Robert H McKinley Collection, Februari 1954.

Einstein (1879-1955)

Idag är det 57 år sedan som Albert Einstein dog.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Einstein

Vintage skor

Mitt drömrum

Jag älskar den där väggen så jäkla mycket!

Pier Angeli

Bilder på Pier Angeli i hennes omklädningsrum, tagna av James Dean.

Eva Bartok

Sal Mineo crime scene

Brottsplatsen där Sal Mineo blev knivhuggen till döds den 12 februari 1976

Bilder på Titanic

First Class Lounge, tagen 4 januari, 1912.

6-åriga Robert Douglas Spedden, med sin far Frederic.

En livbåt kommandes till fartyget Carpathia den 15 april

Charlie Chaplin

Idag var det 123 år sedan som Charlie Chaplin föddes.

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."

Paul Newman

Knife thrower's assistant

The knife thrower’s assistant, 1910

Susan Kohner & Sal Mineo

Susan Kohner och Sal Mineo i The Gene Krupa Story, 1959.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe i Don't Bother To Knock, 1952

Alfred Hitchcock

Titanic - 100 år sedan idag

100 years ago - April 14th 1912: RMS Titanic hits an iceberg

On this day 100 years ago the largest passenger liner in the world, the RMS Titanic, hit an iceberg at 11.40pm and sank at 2.20am the next morning. As the opulent ship sank, its over two thousand passengers rushed to lifeboats; however there were not enough lifeboats on the ship so many were left behind and those who fell into the sea soon died of hypothermia. Over 1,500 people died in the tragedy, with around 700 survivors being rescued by the RMS Carpathia. The demise of the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic shocked the world, and the story continues to captivate the world.

Today, 100 years after the Titanic’s fatal collision, the ship which was once a symbol of opulence and human power, lies at the bottom of the ocean.

The Rebel

James Dean.

Elizabeth Taylor

Shirley Temple

Tidiga 30-talet.

Audrey Hepburn

Natalie Wood

You know what I want? I want yesterday. - Natalie Wood

Chaplin & the kid

Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan in a still for the film ‘The Kid’, 1921

Vintage frisyrer

Sal Mineo

Tony Perkins' magiska leende

James Dean i Giant

Sal sings!

Pier Angeli

Mila Cirul

Mila Cirul, 1925 fotad av Trude Fleischmann

Marilyn Monroe



Splendor in The Grass

Natalie Wood i Splendor in The Grass, 1961.

Stephen Hawking

En ung Stephen Hawking.


Rita Hayworth i Gilda, 1946.

Ava Gardner

Ava Gardner på 40-talet.


Anthony Perkins i Psycho, 1960.

Daydreaming Sal

Just James

Anthony Perkins & Audrey Hepburn

Bakom scenerna av Green Mansions, 1959.

Rebel quote

"If I had one day when I didn’t have to be all confused and I didn’t have to feel that I was ashamed of everything. If I felt that I belonged someplace. You know."

-James Dean som Jim Stark i Rebel Without A Cause


10 april, 1912, Titanic lämnade Southampton för att åka till New York City.

Alice In Wonderland

Alice i Underlandet på tidiga 1900-talet.


Sal Mineo & Jill Haworth under inspelningen av Exodus, 1960.

Elvis Presley


Charlie Chaplin

Diana Dors

Diana Dors fotograferad av John Everton på 50-talet.

Anthony Perkins

Marilyn Monroe

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

Candice Bergen

Candice Bergen, 1967. 
Fotad av Constantine Manos

Marlon Brando

Sal Mineo i The Gene Krupa Story

Charlie Chaplins kända tal

"We think too much, feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness."

Rita Hayworth

Sal Mineo & Natalie Wood

Min absoluta favoritbild på dem tillsammans.

Glad Påsk!

Ida Lupino, 1930's



I can remember the first time that I saw James Dean.  I was driving on the Warner Brothers lot, and saw this tousled-haired kid sitting on the ground, outside the sound stage.  It was unusual, as one never saw anyone sitting on the lot like that.  Later, my agent said while I was working there, go over and take a few pictures on the set of a little film called Rebel Without a Cause.  He mentioned there was a new actor from Broadway playing opposite Natalie Wood, and it might be good to have a few shots of him.  This was the kid sitting in the sun.  No one could have guessed then that this “little film” would make him such a legend, or how tragically soon his life would be snuffed out.  —Bob Willoughby

James Dean

James Dean i Rebel Without A Cause.

Goodbye Again

Anthony Perkins i Goodbye Again, 1961.

Crimes In The Streets

John Cassavetes, Mark Rydell och Sal Mineo i Crimes in the Streets.

Liz Taylor

Rebel Without A Cause screentest

Natalie Wood, James Dean och Sal Mineo.

Anthony Perkins

East Of Eden

James Dean i East Of Eden.


Ernest Hemingway’s passport photo, 1923

Nick Adams, Natalie Wood & Sal Mineo

Jimmy Dean

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