Marilyn Monroe


Marilyn Monroe

"Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age, to die, young, but then you'd never complete your life, would you? You'd never wholly know yourself..."

The Misfits

Marilyn Monreoe i The Misfits, 1961.


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe i Korea, 1954

Marilyn Monroe

"I'm not interested in money, I just want to be wonderful."

Grattis Marilyn Monroe!

1 Juni 1926 - 5 Augusti 1962

"I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves. They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t."

Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.

Marilyn's measurements


Marilyn Monroe & Marlon Brando

Brunette Marilyn


Marilyn Monroe

“I was never used to being happy, so that wasn’t something I ever took for granted. You see, I was brought up differently from the average American child because the average child is brought up expecting to be happy.I was a mistake. My mother didn’t want to have me.”

Diamonds are a girls best friend


A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night.
- Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn i Korea från The Robert H McKinley Collection, Februari 1954.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe i Don't Bother To Knock, 1952

Marilyn Monroe

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