A chicken head

We used to roam the streets of New York together, and I liked to photograph Jimmy observing others. He had a great natural curiosity about people, was a collector of street vignettes, and I was forever amazed at the oddities he would stumble on to. One of the oddest was Jimmy’s passing a store one day and pausing to see what one of the two little girls had in her hand. What was it? A chicken head. Only Jimmy would happen upon such surreal situations.

James Dean & Elizabeth Taylor

James Dean & Elizabeth Taylor i Giant, 1955.

East of Eden

James Dean i East Of Eden

James Dean

Redigerad av lilla mig.

Liz & Jim

Elizabeth Taylor och James Dean i Giant, 1955


James Dean och Corey Allen, Rebel Without A Cause

Tired Jimmy

James Dean

James Dean

Bakom scenerna i Giant

James Dean i East Of Eden

Pier Angeli & James Dean

Under inspelningen av East Of Eden, 1954.


James Dean i Rebel Without A Cause

Julie Harris & James Dean

East of Eden, 1954.

James Dean behin the scenes i Giant


Farmer boy

James Dean

James Dean's sista intervju

James Dean i en intervju om bilar. I slutet skulle han egentligen sagt "The life you save may be your own". Kort efter att han filmat klart Giant dog han i en bilolycka.

Handsome angel

James Dean

Too fast to live

James Dean

Pier Angeli

Bilder på Pier Angeli i hennes omklädningsrum, tagna av James Dean.

The Rebel

James Dean.

James Dean i Giant

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