James Dean & Natalie Wood

Marilyn Monroe i Korea, 1954

" I received a phone call and the voice on the line said that Jimmy had died."

"I was married, respected my husband, to even just think of him (Jimmy) would have seemed to me like a sin. But hours before I had a premonition that this would not be a good evening. That day (Sept 30,1955) I felt as if I could not sit still. I was nervous for no apparent reason …as if I needed to prepare myself for something I could not stop from happening. That night while I was having dinner with friends, I received a phone call and the voice on the line said that Jimmy had died. I didn’t cry. I couldn’t move. But at that very instant everything inside me shattered."

~ Pier Angeli

Sal in the pool

“This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it”

- Charlie Chaplin

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Paul Newman

Anthony Perkins

Gene Krupa Story

Sal Mineo

Audrey Hepburn

James Dean & Sammy Davis Jr


"You're tearing me apart!"

James Dean som Jim Stark i Rebel Without A Cause

Sal in the gym

Marlon Brando

Marilyn Monroe

Natalie Wood efter James Dean's död

Natalie Wood sätter upp bilder på James Dean i hennes omklädningsrum efter hans död.

Anthony Perkins

James Dean i East Of Eden

Dolores Moran

1940- talet




Anthony Perkins med hans fru Berry på en Rolling Stones konsert, Madison Square Garden, 1975.

The Young Don't Cry

Brandon De Wilde & Jill Haworth

Elia Kazan, Marlon Brando, Julie Harris & James Dean

East Of Eden, 1954.

That smile

Anthony Perkins i Psycho.

James Dean

"He was still an insomniac, and night after night he would stay up driving, or drinking, with local cronies or with friends from back home who would come to visit. But no matter how late he stayed up, somehow he usually managed to make it to the set on time. There were exceptions, of course, with which Hollywood legend abounds, but in my experience when Jimmy held up shooting, or showed up late, it was usually because he was at odds with the studio; it was his way of scoring a point for what he considered to be justice."

- Dennis Stock


Rita Hayworth

Dean & Wood

Paul Newman, Jill Haworth & Sal Mineo

Pier Angeli

The rebel

James Dean i Rebel Without A Cause.

The Queen & The Duke

Den 20e november i år har de varit gifta i 65 år.

"I'm not interested in money, I just want to be wonderful."


Natalie Wood, 1963


Working out

Judy Garland

Judy Garland i The Wizard Of Oz, 1939

Jill Haworth & Sal Mineo

together forever

Walt Disney

Vivien Leigh

James Dean & Elizabeth Taylor

Giant, 1956.


The Beatles

Six Bridges To Cross

Sal’s första debut i Six Bridges To Cross.

Audrey Hepburn

"I think sex is overrated. I don't have sex appeal and I know it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm rather funny looking. My teeth are funny, for one thing, and I have none of the attributes usually required for a movie queen, including the shapeliness."

Natalie Wood

James Dean & Sal Mineo i Rebel Without A Cause

Grattis Marilyn Monroe!

1 Juni 1926 - 5 Augusti 1962

"I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves. They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t."

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